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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Live Healthy with Kinohimitsu

Hi lovelies...

Some people said when you live healthy, the beauty will instantly come out inside you. However, I know a lot of people still underestimate the importance of live healthy. Many of us just like to make excuses for skipping exercise, or eating unhealthy. I would not say that I did not do that as well.
Recently, I was introduced to Kinohimitsu, a Japanese drink good for skin health. I saw the advertisement all over the magazines and newspaper. They said after consuming this, our skin will appear more luminous after few weeks. Here I captured the picture of packaging:

You should take this drink once a day 3-8 hours before "your call" to the hot toilet seat. They said it might help your digestion and constipation as well. Actually it tastes delicious and the taste of blueberry is quite strong. Currently, I'm still having my third bottle and I would let all you know hf I can feel the difference after consuming all 6 bottles within six days. 

If some of you did try this drink and you feel any difference after consuming it, please leave comment below... I would love to hear your story of your Kinohimitsu. 

C'est fini...xoxo


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