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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quote of the Day

I remembered in high school, I was always the careful person, always taking the surest path. Then when I was in college, I found that I was taking a lot more risks than I did thus far in my life. I decided I can't be afraid of doing things that need to get done. I used to hate calling people I don't really know very well on the phone. But I’ve realized I'm never going to make it on my own if I am afraid to be assertive and if I put off what I need to do to get things done. 

For example, if I was trying to work or study I couldn't be afraid to tell my roommate and her friends to be quiet or leave. Before, I would just have let them be obnoxious and be frustrated upset the entire time because I was afraid others would think I am mean. But, now I know better than to let that stop me. So, even little risks like that can be significant.

Face your fears and start taking the risk! It doesn't need to be a big thing, like starting your own business. You could start with the simple thing in your life, like my story earlier. You wouldn't know if you could get what you want, unless you do something you have never done! 

PS: In this case, only apply to do the positive things that will improve your value, not in the negative things 

So, what do you guys are normally afraid of?? Did you tend to do the things you are afraid of or to escape from it?? If you don't mind, you could share it in the comment section.



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